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The project AIS LIFE project – Aerobiological Information Systems and allergic respiratory disease management has been approved for funding within the LIFE+ programme (2007-2013).


The Coordinator is from the University of Florence – Department of Agri-food Production and Environmental Sciences. With partners from 3 EU countries (Italy, France, Austria) the project’s overall aim is to develop the information base for policy on environment and health, in terms of improved management of pollen-related allergic respiratory diseases.

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AIS Life objective

The AIS project proposes a series of realistic objectives to be achieved within its proposed time frame and means, which work towards to overall project aim: to develop the information base for policy on environment and health, in terms of improved management of pollen-related allergic respiratory diseases.

AIS Life innovation in process and methods 

Well established methods for assessment of exposure to pollen and ultrafine particulate will be integrated for the first time. The effects of integrated information on QoL, symptoms, 

objective parameters and medication use will be evaluated. If one type of information or a combination of methods proves superior, a new pollen/pollutants information processing and dissemination will be available and applicable to any country. The rigorous design of the study can be applied to other types of environmental information systems aiming to reduce risks for human health.

AIS Life technological innovation 

Technology has improved pollen forecasting and dissemination of pollen information. However, clinical impact of such information is still debated. AIS compares, for the first time, a high-tech system (web-based symptoms diary + smartphone application) and a lowtech one (aerobiological and air pollutants forecasts and medical recommendations) in terms of effectiveness in patients affected by allergic respiratory diseases. The system will include information on ultrafine particles, which represent a technological innovation in this field.

AIS Life economic and business innovation

Although several applications for smartphone have been developed for information about environmental hazards for health in, none has been tested and validated for patients affected by allergic respiratory diseases. Once proved effective both from a clinical and a costeffectiveness point of view, the application will be further developed and disseminated, thus paving the way for new, permanent information systems and a continuous innovation of the model. With limited short-term mitigation measures against pollen exposure, facilitation of behavioural adaptation and preemptive medication of sensitive population is the most-important goal.

AIS Life Newsletter

In The News
AIS Life final meeting in Pisa, Italy ! 
Click here to see the pictures of the meeting: 
AIS Life final meeting report is online ! 
AIS Life Newsletter 4
The fourth Newsletter is now available!
25th anniversary of LIFE programme in Italy !
Guided tours of LIFE sites in UNIFI ! --> Click here for more information: 
AIS Life Booklet 
AIS Life booklet is now available!
AIS Life new account ! 
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Check out the presentations and pictures of AIS meetings here !


Ancre 1
RNSA video about pollen allergies here !
Pollen bulletins
Weekly bulletins of pollen concentration maps are available for Toscana. 
(Action B3)
Click here to view the maps: 

Project AIS LIFE - LIFE13 ENV/IT/001107

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