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Action B2:Health assessment of Allergy Patients


Description and methods employed:

The knowledge of the health status of the general population and the correlation between aerobiological parameters and respiratory allergic diseases is of major importance for developing and accessing an aerobiological information system.


The aim of this action is to implement the tools to collect data on respiratory health status, disease exacerbations, symptoms, risk factors, direct/indirect costs, quality of life in general population samples. In particular, the action will implement a) health questionnaire b) satisfaction questionnaire and c) daily diaries to be filled in by the investigated subjects.


  • Health questionnaire will be developed to assess: demographic characteristics (age, gender, educational level, work position..), allergic rhinitis symptoms/diagnosis, asthma symptoms/diagnosis, asthma and rhinitis control, diseases severity, quality of life associated with respiratory allergic diseases, risk factors (work exposure, smoking habits, indoor allergenic sources exposure, urban/rural residence…), drugs consumption, use of health services, daily activity limitations, work/school absenteeism, in the previous 12 months. Information about the results of previous instrumental tests (spirometry, skin prick test and specific IgE) will be collected to reach a better characterisation of the allergic disease.


All the questions will be obtained from questionnaires previously used and validated (i.e. CNR questionnaire, ECRHS questionnaire, AQLQ, RHINASTHMA, PHD diary).


  • Daily diary for the PPI implementation will be used to assess: daily ocular, nasal, respiratory symptoms and drugs consumption. PHD users enter their nasal, ocular, and respiratory symptoms. It is possible to use weighted medication, meaning symptom data is modified with medication. In order to explain this procedure the calculations at the basis of the PHD are explained in the following. Eyes, nose and lungs are the three organs of interest. For each organ a score from zero to three points is possible, resulting in a maximum of nine points for all of them.

Project AIS LIFE - LIFE13 ENV/IT/001107

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