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Action C1: Monitoring of the long-term implementation of Aerobiological Information Systems



Beneficiary responsible for implementation: MUW


Action Completed.


Foreseen start date: June 1st 2014                              Actual start date: June 1st 2014

Foreseen end date: May 31th 2017                              Actual end date: May 31th 2017


The main aim of Action C1 is to improve and evaluate the developed services of two Aerobiological Information Systems: the Personalised Pollen Information System (PPI) and the Integrated Information System (IIS). At the same time, the impact of this novel services will be analysed in depth in all three countries.

The system has to measure: user acceptance, user perception, improvement of the quality of life (QoL) of users, decrease of symptoms load, decrease of socio-economical costs of users, increase in knowledge about the effect of the interaction between pollen and chemical pollutants on allergies, reduction in energy consumption / emissions thanks to reduced medication use and reduction in water consumption


The  monitoring  action  regarding  the  long-term  implementation  of  Aerobiological

Information Systems consists of two parts.

1.   Preparation of the monitoring plan

2.   Monitoring of the developed services of the Aerobiological Information Systems The preparation for the monitoring plan took 8 months, from the beginning of the project until the end of February 2015. During the implementation of the monitoring plan other project actions were established in this time period.

The  planned  activities  and  the  expected  results  and  indicators  of  progress  are  shortly described in the following text.

1. User acceptance and perception

In order to measure user acceptance and perception, the number of accesses on the respective homepages  and  the  number  of  users  and  downloads  of  the  Aerobiological  Information Systems will be examined to compare the frequency of use during the pollen seasons in the different regions. This activity is connected with the implementation of Actions B1/B2.

User acceptance and perception will be monitored by use of Google analytics.


2. Improvement of the quality of life (QoL) of users and decrease of symptoms load

This part will be monitored by the decrease of the symptoms load and the use of information documented in the Aerobiological Information systems and the PHD symptom scores.


3. Decrease of socio-economical costs of users

The decrease of socio-economical costs of users will be monitored by the outcome of a questionnaire (Actions B1/B2).


4. Increase in knowledge about the effect of the interaction between pollen and chemical pollutants on allergies. Temporal  variation  analyses  will  be  performed  on  the  health  data  questionnaire (allergic symptoms/diseases, medicine consumption, disease control etc.) and pollen/chemical pollutants data in order to assess the effect of the interaction between pollen and chemical pollutants in allergic subjects.


5. Reduction in energy consumption/emissions thanks to reduced medication use the savings in reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in relation to decreasing medicine consumption will be analysed using the LCA or Carbon footprint indices.


6. Reduction in water consumption

 The water consumption of plants will be analysed in each of the three local areas. In relation to the planned plantation in public gardens (France) or green areas in the city, this activity evaluates the plant species, which should be used to limit the allergic risk for the population (Action B4). This evaluation will take into consideration the impact of water consumption using a Water Footprint (WF) index of different tree species in the green areas and public parks in the city.


Data input, statistical analysis and writing of the report will be performed from November

2016 until May 2017. All results will be compared with health data to assess the effect of the interaction between pollen and chemical pollutant levels in allergic symptoms and their temporal variation in all regions (Action C2).


From the scheduled activities, currently the measuring of increase in knowledge about the effect of the interaction between pollen and chemical pollutants on allergies (Activities 4) is active. All other activities will start together with the implementation of Action B1.


The monitoring of aerobiological, chemical and weather data in Pisa, Paris, Lyon and Vienna started on the first of September 2014 with the implementation of Actions A1 and A2. In order to study an interaction between pollen and chemical pollutants on allergies in all three countries,  the data were collected monthly.  Weekly data will  be used  for Weekly

bulletins. These bulletins will be distributed to selected study participants in combination with medical recommendations (Action B1). Each partner in its own area will perform this part. More details of preliminary results of action in Annex 7.2.26.


Indicators of progress

·    Number of accesses to online Aerobiological Information Systems (target: 1 - 3 weekly access per user /c.220 users per day, per local area): In total, number of visits of AIS App in all countries was 390,  with 121 unique visitors. AIS App pages were viewed 8498 times in total.

·    Amount of time spent on pages (target: 5 - 10 minutes per user / c.220 users

per day, per local area): total time were 3 hours 3 minutes and 9 seconds.

·    Number of downloads and active installations (target: annual increase of at least 10% of baseline access of c.200 users per day): 242

·    % decreased socio-economical costs (target: annual decrease of at least 3% of

baseline  hospital   and  emergency  room   admissions,   unscheduled  visits, medicines prescriptions, work/school absenteism)

·    % decrease in  symptoms load  (target: annual decrease of  at  least 3% of

symptoms load on the basis of PHD and questionnaire data)

·    Number  of  recommendations  for  environmental  and  public  health  policy (target: 1, prepared in  English  and translated into  languages of  the  three countries): 1

·    % decrease in GHG emissions in relation  to  limiting  use of  medical drugs

(using LCA or Carbon footprint  indices – target 10% over 3 year project)

·    Impact of water resources in the use of different species of plant using Water

Footprint index (target 5% of 5 year project) Activities carried out

The main  aim  of  Action  C1 was to  improve  and evaluate the  developed services         of                  two Aerobiological              Information    Systems:     the     Personalised      Pollen Information  System (PPI) and the Integrated Information  System (IIS). At the same time, the impact of these novel services was analysed in depth in all three countries. The system has to measure:

1.  user acceptance

2.  user perception

3.  improvement of the quality of life (QoL) of users

4.  decrease of symptoms load

5.  decrease of socio-economical costs of users


and chemical pollutants on allergies

7.  reduction    in     energy   consumption    /    emissions   thanks   to     reduced medication use

8.  reduction in water consumption

Project AIS LIFE - LIFE13 ENV/IT/001107

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