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Action C2: Validation and comparison of the effectiveness of the two Aerobiological Information Systems


Description and methods employed:

The main aims of the AIS project are: a) to assess the usefulness of using the IIS and PHD for the improvement of respiratory allergic diseases outcomes (symptoms, drugs consumptions, quality of life etc.) with respect to not using these tools b) to compare IIS and PPI efficacy and c) to increase the knowledge about the effect of the interaction between pollens and chemical on allergies.


To reach these aims, statistical analyses will be performed on the collected data of the I and II field survey carried out before and after the educational intervention. In particular, the following analyses will be performed:


  • assessment of risk factors, exposure, disease control, quality of life, drugs consumption, direct/indirect costs and use of health services at baseline;

  • assessment of risk factors exposure, disease control, quality of life, drugs consumption, direct/indirect costs and use of health services at follow-up;

  • assessment of seasonal variation in allergic symptoms during the year correlated with ambient pollen levels;

  • assessment of effect modification by ambient levels of chemical pollutants while controlling for confounding by other relevant lifestyle and environmental factors;

  • assessment of the usefulness of using Aerobiological Information Systems comparing the intra-group temporal changes of disease outcomes (level of symptoms, quality of life, drugs consumption, indirect costs, use of health services) of the groups A/B in respect to intra-group temporal changes of group C;

  • assessment of the effectiveness of IIS and PPI comparing the intra-group temporal changes of disease outcomes (level of symptoms, quality of life, drugs consumption, indirect costs, use of health services) between groups A and B.


Project AIS LIFE - LIFE13 ENV/IT/001107

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