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Action D2: Creation and continuous updating of web page for project activities


Description and methods employed:

Information on the main project findings in a user-friendly form will be provide in the public Web site of the AIS project. The project public web site will aid information management, exchange and worldwide dissemination. The web pages will inform the AIS partners, the scientific community, stakeholders, end-users, and the general public about the project achievements.

Type of information will be differentiated according to the end user:


  • Public and allergic patients. The section will contain a brief description of the general aspects of allergic diseases induced by pollen, including their diagnosis and treatment. Features of main allergenic pollen for each area of the project will be provided, such as phenology, aerobiology and allergenicity. Sources and type of pollen information will be reviewed and published in this section, together with the links to national pollen networks. The section will be kept updated with the results of the project.

  • Scientists, GPs and specialists. The review of the scientific literature on the pollen-related allergic diseases will be published in this section, together with a comprehensive description of the available information on allergenic pollen, including its major allergens. Main characteristics and pros and cons of type of pollen information currently available will be described and discussed. Preliminary results of the project will be published as soon as they will be available.

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