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Action D2: Creation and continuous updating of web page for project activities


Beneficiary responsible for implementation: INSERM/UPMC


Action in progress


Foreseen start date: June 1st 2014                              Actual start date: June1st 2014

Foreseen end date: May 31st 2017                               Actual end date: May 31st 2017



The AISLIFE website aim is to constitute a very good channel for information dissemination especially towards the general public. The website allows users to readily collect online information about the project and about issues, which might be of interest to stakeholders.

The initial AIS LIFE+ web site was ready by December 2014 and has been updated since then. The web site includes all relevant information about the project, links, gateway to the data base etc.


It has been designed to present the scope and objectives of AIS LIFE+, and is updated as key milestones are reached, deliverables completed and meetings are finished. Agenda, meeting minutes and presentations are available on the “Agenda section”.

Deliverables /analysis, data bases, etc./ developed in the framework of AIS LIFE+ are made available on a website.

More in detail, the AIS LIFE+ website is be used both for internal usage and external information dissemination.

Public section

The list below includes sections where items are published on the website:

• HOME PAGE: Description of the project / New section / Social network links (Facebook,

Twitter) / Newsletter access / Newsletter registration

Welcome letter; Project overview; Focus area; State of the art; Partners; Project members; AISLIFE map


Scientific strategy; Actions; Timeplan


Deliverables; Milestones; Actions; Reports


Publications; AIS congress (a PDF file of the posters presented at congresses are available) ;

Other communications; Networking (links to websites); All events


Training schedule; Links (website links related to the project); FAQ; Reserved access (cf. Private section); Pictures

• WEEKLY BULLETINS: this section has been recently added and allow the user to access

directly to the weekly bulleting of pollens and pollution in France and Italy.

• AGENDA: Annual meetings; Workshops; Monitoring visits information are available on this page (date, venue, documents, presentations during the meeting), as well as the reports can be accessed on this page.

• CONTACT: Scientific contacts; Webmaster contact

Private section

The website can also be a very useful instrument for co-operation among the partners of the project.

The  access  of  the  reserved  space  has  been  granted  by  a  username  and  password.  The following items will be available:

Project draft documents, steering committee minutes, the link to AISLIFE Dropbox. Depending on the security standards, confidential deliverables could also be stored on the website.


Action D2 Creation and continuous updating of web page for project activities:


To support the communication and dissemination strategy, specific tools have been developed in AIS LIFE+, namely the AIS LIFE+ Logo, the AIS website (www.ais-, a project pamphlet, a project brochure and a Layman report. The project pamphlet, which presents the AIS LIFE + project and contact information, was handed out at all events.  It can also be downloaded from the project web site.  A project brochure was published to help the network activities now that the project is finished, at local, national and European scale. Stakeholders  and public interested in AIS LIFE+ activities and results can access the AIS  website, newsletters, etc. AIS  LIFE+  also created a Facebook and a Twitter account, in order to enlarge the accessibility to the information  on the project to a wider public. Lastly, Newsletters, press releases and articles have been prepared during the whole project, announcing project objectives, initiatives, events and services and relevant achievements.


information dissemination.

The list below includes sections where items are published on the website:

•  HOME  PAGE:  Description  of  the  project  /  New  section  /  Social  network  links

(Facebook, Twitter) / Newsletter access / Newsletter registration

Welcome letter;  Project overview;  Focus area; State of  the  art; Partners; Project members; AISLIFE map


Scientific strategy; Actions; Timeplan


Deliverables; Milestones; Actions; Reports


Publications;  AIS  congress (a PDF file of the posters presented at congresses are available)  ; Other communications; Networking (links to websites); All events


Training schedule; Links (website links related to the project); FAQ; Reserved access

(cf. Private section); Pictures

• WEEKLY BULLETINS: this section has been recently added and allows the user to

access directly to the weekly bulleting of pollens and pollution in France and Italy.

• AGENDA: Annual meetings; Workshops; Monitoring visits information are available on this page (date, venue, documents, presentations during the meeting), as well as the reports can be accessed on this page.

• CONTACT: Scientific contacts; Webmaster contact

Private section

The website can also be  a very useful instrument  for  co-operation  among  the partners of the project.

The access of the reserved space has been granted by a username and password. The following items will be available:

Project draft documents, steering committee minutes, the link to AISLIFE Dropbox. Depending on the security standards, confidential deliverables could also be stored on the website.

Indicator of progress

Number of hits on website at 6 month intervals: 175 vistitors, 1044 visitors i the project period

Number of friends of facebook at 6 month intervals: 52

Number of followers on twitter and 6 month intervals: 20

Number of friends / followers interacting at 6 month intervals (e.g. posting comments, initiating debates, requesting information: 0

Project AIS LIFE - LIFE13 ENV/IT/001107

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