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Action D4: Target Audience / General Public Awareness Raising



Beneficiary responsible for implementation: INSERM/UPMC


Action Completed


Foreseen start date:  June 1st 2014                             Actual start date: June 1st 2014

Foreseen end date: May 31st 2017                             Actual end date: May 31st 2017



In order to raise target audience and general public awareness the following activities have been achieved:

1.         Implementation of the project summary, including name and contact information of the coordinating beneficiary, placed on the LIFE website, the project website and made available to the general public.

2.         Erection and maintenance of notice boards (see Annex 7.3.2a and b) describing the project in the partners’s institutions and in the centres that contribute to the recruitment of the patients.

The following activities are ongoing:

The preparation of brochures and leaflets (see Annex 7.3.3 a and b, 7.3.4 a and b, 7.3.5 a and b, 7.3.6 a and b, 7.3.7 a and b ) on the question of environment and health and the AIS project objectives. They will have common information for all areas (project and programme descriptions) and specific information that each local area can adapt.

Media work: all beneficiaries will work with the media at the most appropriate levels to ensure best coverage of the project's results.

Organisation of local community events, such as public information meetings, meetings with

interest groups. At least 1 event per years will be organised in each local area, each with a summary report providing input to project activities.

Scientific events: For both the scientific community and certain target groups, dedicated workshops and a major final conference will be organised to present key findings of the project and stimulate feedback from the wider science and user communities.

Collaboration will be set up with international conferences, such as the symposia of EAACI, ERS, European Aerobiology Society (EAS) and  International Society of Biometeorology (SB).


The AIS LIFE project has been present in the following conferences/meetings:

2016 Annual Meeting of the American Thoracic Society (ATS)_ May 2016_USA

2016 Annual Meeting of the European Respiratory Society (ERS)_September 2016_England

2016 Congresso Nazionale di Pneumologia (Date and place to define)

2016 European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Annual Congress (EAACI)_ June 2016_Austria

2016     6th     symposium     on     aerobiology     in     Lyon     (18-22     July     2016)     :

2016   Twenty-Eighth   Conference   of   the   International   Society   for   Environmental

Epidemiology (ISEE )_ September 2016_Italy.

2016 Congrès de Pneumologie de Langue Française (CPLF), (date to define)_ France

2016 Allergology French speaking Conference(CFA)_ (date to define)_ France

2017 International Congress of Biometeorology (date to define)_England

2017 Final meeting of AIS LIFE Project (data to define) – Pisa



In this context, AIS intends dissemination towards:

• Target groups (patients and people suffering from pollen-related allergies; pharmacies and health agencies; GPs and allergy specialists), in order to prevent and deal with pollen-related allergy

• Urban and green area Planners, to implement recommendations on allergenic plants

• Scientific Community, to spread information obtained during the AIS project

• General Public, to provide information on pollen and related health problems.


Action D.4: Target Audience / General Public Awareness Raising

Expected results

1 set of communication tools (brochure, poster, leaflets, notice boards), prepared in

English and each national language – Italian – French and German)


1 public seminar with report (Paris, Month 24)

1 Final seminar with report (Pisa, Month 36)

1 Layman’s Report available at the end of the project

Local level workshops / dissemination events (at least 3 per  studied  area:  local workshop have organised in the different  country.  The different  Beneficiaries has attended at more 30 meeting where presented the AIS LIFE project by oral or poster presentation (Table 5);

Media network with minimum 50 contacts per area: a facebook account has created with more of 50 follewers

Information disseminated to minimum 1M people (general public and various target groups), thanks to the various dissemination tools

The Layman’s report has been produced in both paper and electronic format in three languages (English, Italian and French). The Layman’s report includes a brief description of the project and its objectives,  challenges and final results.  A special focus has been devoted to the policy implications.

300 copies have been printed. Some of them have been distributed  to  local and national stake-holders/peers in the scientific community.  The rest of them will be distributed in the next weeks after delivery of the final report. Furthermore, a wider dissemination has been done via e-mail  sending of  the electronic version of  the Layman’s report.

Indicator of progress

Number of technical articles published per year (target: 3 per year): 8

Number of local events held in each area (target: 1 per year, per area) and number of participants at events (target: 50 yr 1; 75 yr 2; 100 yr 3): for the delay of the epidemiology  study, a low number of events have been organised: 3 in Italy,  2 in Austria and 2 in France.

Number of media appearances each year (target: 10): 2

Number of requests for further information each year (target: 20): 10.

Project AIS LIFE - LIFE13 ENV/IT/001107

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