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Action E4: External Audit



Beneficiary responsible for implementation: UNIFI


Action Completed


Foreseen start date: June 1st 2014                              Actual start date: June 1st 2014

Foreseen end date: May 31st 2017                               Actual end date: May 31st 2017


UNIFI has nominated an independent auditor Dott. Amedeo Vitucci that had verified the final statement of expenditure and income provided to the Commission.

The auditor verified compliance with national legislation and accounting rules and certify that all costs incurred comply with this grant agreement.

A audit report has compliled and submitted with the final report.


5.2 Dissemination actions

5.2.1. Objectives

The final goal of dissemination action in the AIS LIFE + project was to raise awareness of the project activities in order to make AIS LIFE+ a successful project. Successful means both accomplishing the desired aims and achieving the different components of  the society,  from  the patients to  the policy makers. Other objectives were to disseminate knowledge, methodologies, know-how about the impact of pollen and air pollution on respiratory allergies.

More specifically, the objectives of the dissemination plan consisted of:

·    establishing    and    maintaining     mechanisms   for      effective    and    timely communication

·    informing and involving stakeholders of the progress of the development and encourage interactions between stakeholders

·    coordinating all levels and types of communication in relation to the project

·    implementing education activities


From the point of view of the scientific implementation of the project, the objectives of the dissemination plan were:

·  producing at least 3 scientific papers

·  organizing scientific meetings

·  submitting presentations at national and international conferences


The  dissemination  and  communication  activities  were  designed  to   reach  the maximum number of stakeholders and, at the same time, to stimulate and encourage the latter to provide constructive and relevant input and feedback and actively participate in various forms of interaction with the AIS LIFE+ consortium. In particular, all the actions and their products were promptly disseminated to the policy makers, environmental officers and the general public through dissemination strategies, including direct mailing contacts, sending of invitation letters, organization of public


events, website creation and maintenance, and the organization of a summer course on air pollution and bio-statistical methodologies.

To this extent,  AIS  LIFE+  used a number of  channels and cooperated with  other relevant national and international organizations, programmes and projects sharing similar objectives, namely health effects of exposure to pollen by using various communication channels and materials, but also by face-to-face information, conferences and workshops




5.2.2 Dissemination overview


In view of implementing the communication and dissemination objectives set up by the AIS LIFE+ project, the main actions performed during the whole AIS LIFE+ project lifetime included:

1.  establishing guiding  principles of the communication and defining the take- home messages;

2.  identifying  3 dissemination and communication  levels (local level,  national level, European level);

3.  Pinpointing the target audience (Environmental scientific associations, Medical and Professional associations. Patients’ groups and associations, local public authorities, SMEs…) at the different levels.

In this respect, all the partners contributed  to the creation of a mailing list of stakeholders and  involved  important  representatives of  ministries,  environmental officers and policy makers to the project events and dissemination activities.

Dissemination and  related  communication  activities  covered  the  lifetime  of  the project and sustainability beyond this period, ensuring continuous dissemination of all relevant project information, activities, events, outputs and impact during the following three phases.

These activities were implemented according to the original dissemination strategy adopted  at  the  beginning  of  the  project.  All  the  partners participated  to  these activities and in particular to  technical meetings and other joint  events organized during the project so to share their competence and experience.

Overall a lot  of resources were dedicated to  dissemination through  the following three phases:

-     Awareness phase, to raise awareness within a qualified community about the project and its objectives and engage the target groups all over Europe.

-     Results oriented  phase,  to  promote  the  results of  the  project,  informing interested parties about  the  achievements and the  related benefits of  the project.


future  sustainability of  the project. This includes announcing results of  the project to the targeted groups.


5.2.2 Dissemination overview according to actions


UPMC and the other partners have been responsible for the dissemination activities and events during the AIS LIFE+project. The dissemination actions carried out throughout the projects are the following:

-    Setting of procedures for reporting results and dissemination (Action D1)

-    Creation and continuous updating of web page for project activities (Action


-    Stakeholder Involvement Activities (Action D3)

-    Target Audience / General Public Awareness Raising (Action D4)

Project AIS LIFE - LIFE13 ENV/IT/001107

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